Programming Workshop (basic level)

Next: Chapter 1

Author: Gerold "Zudi" Zuderstorfer

Topic: Programming languages like JavaScript, C/C++, MatLab, Python, Java etc. and general issues when writing code (basic level).

Duration: ~2h

Lecture language: English

Requirements: Your interest! If you watch this online and you want to try out the examples, Windows OS is recommended. Other OS are quite fine, but you have to figure out some things by yourself :-)


I hope you and your family all are well. When you are more of the extroverted type of person the lock down is presumably hard for you. If you are a bit of an introvert like me you can cope better with social distancing. If you are slightly autistic like some programmers this is probably not the worst time.

Lock down time is coding time!

This workshop might be a convenient way to acquire some new skills or even the start for a new hobby. If you are bored by the lack of parties and social events and you don’t know what to do after 8pm then why not plunge deeper into the world of programming?

Dilbert by ©Scott Adams

When I started coding in the 1980s things where a lot simpler but not easier. There was only a hand full of computers available for private users and the number of programming languages was manageable. Also, there was no internet for ordinary mortals like me and you had to stick to books for information. And as there was no search function on books (apart from a mostly useless index page) you had to read them from the first page to the last. Yes: I am an old-timer!

Nowadays every piece of hardware has a computer chip, there are hundreds of programming languages and the information at hand in the internet is overwhelming. In this workshop I want to give an overview of programming. The workshop is influenced by my own experiences and not comprehensive in any sort. I try not to tell to many things that are obsolete by now and I hope there is a little bit for everyone, from the newbs to the slightly advanced. Also please notice that I can’t teach you programming in a two hours workshop.

Next: Chapter 1